Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM

January 15 - March 26

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4 Years Old-5th Grade

Check-In in the Kids Lobby

Truth Trackers provides a Scripture memory program that contains God Centered, Redemption-Focused, Word-Filled, Discipleship-Structured, and Fun Packed qualities.

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6th-12th Graders

Room 214

All 6th-12th grade students will gather for a time of worship starting at 6:30 PM in room 214. Then middle school and high school students will separate for large group Bible study.


Adult Core Classes

Core Classes are designed to increase your knowledge of God’s Word, key doctrines, and spiritual habits. These classes reflect the core of what every growing disciple should know as we are on mission to make disciples who know Christ, grow together, serve others, and go to our neighbors and the nations. Registration links included on the dropdown menu below.

  • “No one can serve two masters, since either he will hate one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” (Matthew 6:24). Christians are called to serve their master, Jesus Christ, exclusively. Therefore, we learn to master our money as faithful stewards of all God’s given us. This class will cover biblical passages on money, budgeting, ethical issues, investing, estate planning, and more!

    Taught by Harry Nelson

    Co-ed Core Class

    Location: Rm. 116

    Register for Mastering Your Money Core Class

  • Jesus commanded us, “Go and make disciples of all nations...” (Matt 28:19). This class will explore the theological foundations of missions, learn about the challenges and opportunities in cross-cultural ministry, and engage with the history of missionary movements. Intro to Missions is a great first step toward going to our neighbors and the nations with the Gospel!

    Taught by Keelan Cook

    Co-ed Core Class

    Location: Rm. 120

    Register for Intro to Missions

  • In a world full of challenges, from personal struggles to cultural pressures, this study will ask: Are we influencing the world, or is the world influencing us? Together, we’ll address issues like judging others, handling conflict, navigating marriage, and discovering the true purpose of our gifts. Through it all, we’ll learn what it means to live in the world but not be of it, standing firm in the hope of Christ’s resurrection. Don’t miss this chance to grow in love, truth, and victory through God’s Word!

    Taught by Jeff Brown

    Co-ed Core Class

    Location: Rm. 118

    Register for 1 Corinthians: Victory in a Messy World Core Class

  • Theology 201 is a practical discipleship course designed for everyday believers, building on core theological concepts and how they apply to daily Christian living. This class aims to deepen understanding of foundational doctrines and equip participants to engage their faith with confidence and clarity.

    *This course will continue where Theology for Non-Seminarians left off, addressing the topics of the person and work of Christ, salvation, the Holy Spirit, the church and the doctrine of last things (eschatology).

    Taught by Dr. John Hammett

    Co-ed Core Class

    Location: Modular 1

    Register for Theology 201 Core Class

  • Perhaps no other book of the Bible feels as inaccessible and as intimidating to us as Revelation. This study will help you know how the last book of the Bible - the culmination of God’s great story - speaks both a steadying word of assurance and a strong call to endure to the church in every age.

    Cost: $15

    Led by Carlyn Rich & Emily Harrison

    Women’s Core Class

    Location: Modular 2

    Register for Revelation: Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom Core Class

  • Are you a caregiver to foster children or an adoptive parent? Are you raising a child who may have experienced a trauma? If so, join us beginning Wednesday, January 15, for a course offered by Faith Member Amy Wilson, the Director of Education for Crisis Care Training International (CCTI). This course will provide an understanding of the impact that trauma-produced losses have on the life of a child. We will also discuss various effective trauma-produced losses have on the life of a child. We will also discuss various effective intervention principles that promote healing and facilitate closure through a Christian-focused approach. This 16-week course will be free, and childcare will be provided.

    *Please note: CCTI will record this course and make it available for public use.

    Leader: Amy Wilson

    Co-ed Core Class

    Location: Rm. 112

    Dates of Class: January 15 - May 14

    Register for Caregiving for Traumatized Children Core Class