If you are an outside group or a non-staff member, you must register by clicking the button below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation e-mail and then be directed to our church calendar. If you are already registered in our church calendar, simply login by clicking the login button.



If you’re interested in holding your wedding at Faith, contact the church office to check availability of dates and for a list of policies and forms that must be completed before a date can be reserved.

If you’re interested in pre-marital counseling, contact the church office to schedule an initial meeting with one of the pastors. He will explain the requirements and schedule dates accordingly.

If you’re interested in having one of our pastor’s conduct your ceremony, contact the church office to schedule an initial meeting with him. If you would like to request a specific pastor and your wedding is not at Faith, email him directly by clicking his photo on our staff page or by calling the church.

In the event of a loss, please contact the church office. We will walk with you through the process in whatever way we can—whether that means praying with you, helping in any planning, conducting the service, or ministering to you and your family in another way.


Have a question about our facilities?

Contact us and someone from our staff will be in touch soon!