To Our Neighbors
As disciples of Christ who live in the world, we must be intentional to reach our neighbors who don’t have a personal relationship with Christ. Click the button below to see a few of the ways and opportunities you can make disciples in your neighborhood.
To the Nations
Some men and women move overseas and others clear their schedule for a week or two to share the Good News with people who’ve never heard it. We are committed to sending and supporting missionaries and church planters around the world.
Our Go Strategy
Followers of Jesus are sent by God to make Him known to others. We are committed to equipping all the members of Faith to be healthy disciples who go to those who don’t know Jesus. Some will go to their neighbors, others will go the nations, but all are commanded to GO.
We believe that the task of making disciples can often be better carries out when churches partner together. For this reason, we actively partner with the following organizations to send pastors, church planters, and missionaries across our country and world.
To Our Neighbors
Gospel Conversations
Have you had a Gospel conversation with someone recently? We would love to hear about it and join you in praying for that person. Our goal is to have 203,000 Gospel conversations by 2030.
Neighborhood Prayer Guide
Prayer Prompts
As you walk around your neighborhood, pray for the following things:
Pray that God would heal those who might be sick.
Pray that God would bring peace in the hearts of those who are anxious and gripped by fear.
Pray that God would provide for those who may have lost their jobs or their income.
Pray that God would be near those who are alone and scared.
Pray that God would comfort those that are grieving.
Pray that God would move in the lives of your neighbors, and that they would trust in Him.
Pray that God would give you opportunities to share the Gospel with your neighbors.
Prayer Walking Tips
If possible, go with your family or other believers, and take turns praying out loud. It is always encouraging to hear other believers pray, and is great to participate in mission together.
Don’t be afraid to talk to other folks that are out walking. If people ask what you are doing, tell them that you’re praying for the neighborhood. and ask if you can pray for them.
Invite your neighbors to watch our Sunday broadcast online!
Look for opportunities to share how Jesus has changed your life. When we pray for opportunities to share the Gospel, God is faithful to bring people across our path who need to hear the Good News. If you need a refresher on a simple Gospel presentation, watch this short video on the 3 Circles.
Community Involvement
Throughout the year we partner with local ministries and with our city to serve in various ways. Sometimes it looks like partnering with the town of Youngsville to host an Easter event, prayerwalking with pro-life ministries in Raleigh, hosting a blood drive in the parking lot, or any number of other opportunities to engage with those around us.
Monthly Food Pantry
Our Food Pantry is open to the public on the 3rd Thursday and 1st Saturday of every month by appointment. Contact Robin Wilkie to schedule an appointment or volunteer.
Upcoming Serve Opportunities

To the Nations
We send mission teams throughout the year to work alongside church planters and missionaries who have been sent by Faith, or one of our mission partners.
Upcoming Trips:

Deploy is a one-year, January to December, ministry internship for men and women who believe the Lord is leading them to be ministry leaders, that combines academic instruction, practical experience, and mentor coaching to train leaders, church planters, pastors and missionaries. Faith Youngsville desire for Deploy Leader Training to help future ministry leaders discover their calling, and developing in character and vocational competencies, in preparation to deploy across our nation and around the world as ministers of the Gospel.
Deploy Leader Training is a key component in helping us accomplish our vision to see 203 leaders trained, 20 churches planted, and 30 churches revitalized by the year 2030. Participation in Deploy requires membership at Faith, committing to a weekly one-hour mentor meeting with Faith staff members, regular service in the body of Faith, and completing four courses (Wednesdays from 6:00-8:00PM in room 122). The courses can be taken for seminary credit and are led by the elders and members of Faith, many of whom are faculty at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Christian Leadership and Mission (8 weeks) | SEBTS: PMN6733EQC Christian Leadership Practicum
Personal Discipleship and Disciple-making (8 weeks) | SEBTS: EVA6611EQC Personal Discipleship and Disciple-making Practicum
Ecclesiology and Administration | SEBTS: PMN6721EQC Administration and Education in the Local Church Practicum
Pastoral Ministry and Leadership (8 weeks) | SEBTS: PMN6501EQC Pastoral Ministry and Leadership Practicum (Please note this class will be reserved for men who are called to pastoral ministry.)
PRS6501EQC Bible Exposition II: Communication and Delivery Practicum (available every semester)
PMN7900EQC Mentored Internship in any semester if a mentor is available to oversee the ministry experience. We recommend not doing a mentored internship until after completing Deploy.