Thank you for supporting the mission of Faith Baptist Church Youngsville!
Online Giving
Give online using a debit card, credit card, or bank ACH transfer. Choose to give as a guest -or- login for access to your giving history and to simplify the online giving process. You can make a one-time or set up a repeating gift.
Mobile App
Download the FaithNC App in the Apple or Google Play Store and give directly from the App on your phone or tablet. The FaithNC App is useful for giving as well as access to worship gathering videos, event registration, and our Bible reading plan.
Give by Text
Text “Give” to 919.737.7127
Click the link to give.
Auto Draft
An auto-draft can be setup for your bank to directly withdraw money from your checking or savings account and sent to Faith Baptist Church on a recurring basis. If you would like to set that up, please fill out an auto draft form.
Bill Pay
Using your bank’s website, you can choose to setup a Bill Pay account to Faith Baptist Church. Payments can be made on a one-time or recurring basis. For information on how to do this, please visit your online banking account.
Cash and checks (made payable to Faith Baptist Church) can be dropped off in the lobby drop box or mailed to:
Faith Baptist Church
249 Holden Road
Youngsville, NC 27596

As we look back at what God has done and we look around at what is happening in our church and community, we are committing to three stewardship initiatives to fuel our disciple-making ministry.
God has graciously provided for Faith in countless ways over the last 34 years. Men, women, and children have given their time, talent, and treasure to serve others as they seek to be and make disciples. As our church has grown, multiple building projects have been
undertaken to accommodate larger worship gatherings, expanding Faith Groups, and growing numbers of kids and students.
We are thankful for the generosity of those who took initial steps to fund the building of our worship center. Now we are committed to fulfill their vision and pay off our remaining debt ahead of schedule.
Through faithful management of our money, we can eliminate our debt by June 2025, which will free $65,000 each month (in our current budget) to fuel disciple-making ministry.
We refinanced our loan in 2018
We increased our 2023-2024 Mission & Ministry budget to make extra principal payments
We have paid $1.1 million toward the principal balance ahead of schedule (equivalent to almost 61 mortgage payments)
Less Than $1 Million
Church planting and church revitalization are at the heart of Faith’s 2030 vision as we train leaders and send people to our neighbors and the nations as ministers, pastors, and missionaries.
In the past six years, Faith has directly helped plant three churches: Pioneer Church in Rock Hill, South Carolina, Triangle Fellowship
Church in Morrisville, North Carolina, and Faith En Español, our Spanish-speaking congregation. It is a joy to celebrate what God is doing in each of these communities as our family grows.
We will continue fervent multiplication as part of our mission and strategically plant a church in Franklinton, North Carolina, praying that God will raise up leaders and call at least 100 Faith members to be a part of this new work in 2025.
The population is projected to grow by 20% in 10 years
256 Faith members have Franklinton mailing addresses
Franklinton is considered a “pocket of lostness” by the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina:
74.2% of the community (13,429 people) are unchurched
33% of the unchurched (4,431 people) believe God does not exist (the national average is 29%)
52% of the unchurched (6,983 people) do not believe church is relevant to their lives
Approximately $400,000
At Faith, we have witnessed 1,103 people baptized, discipled thousands of kids, students, and adults, worshiped and prayed together on more than 1,700 Sundays, and hosted countless community members, organizations, and events in our facility—and we are not done yet!
However, our campus has nearly reached its capacity in every area, which will impede our ability to grow along with our community.
When the parking lot and the lobby are overly crowded, research shows that guests do not come back and attendance declines.
To wisely maintain forward momentum in ministry, we will purposefully explore options and make future plans for utilizing and expanding our current property and facilities.
Hire a consulting firm to configure plans to ensure we utilize our current facilities and resources to their fullest
Expand the parking lot
Construct space for NextGen ministries
Expand the lobby
Create new space for adult education
At Least $2—3 Million
Giving is an opportunity to show God that He is first in our lives. It’s a reminder that God is the supplier of everything we have. The giving of tithes and offerings reflects a grateful heart that wants to give back a portion of what He has already given us and what is already His.
The FaithNC App
Text GIVE to 919.737.7127
Auto Draft
Bill Pay
Giving is a Reflection of the Heart "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves don’t break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:20-21)
Giving is a Reflection of Priorities "When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, and you take possession of it and live in it, take some of the first of all the land’s produce that you harvest from the land the Lord your God is giving you and put it in a basket. Then go to the place where the Lord your God chooses to have his name dwell.” (Deuteronomy 26:1-2)
Giving is a Privilege "During a severe trial brought about by affliction, their abundant joy and their extreme poverty overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part. I can testify that, according to their ability and even beyond their ability, of their own accord, they begged us earnestly for the privilege of sharing in the ministry to the saints” (2 Corinthians 8:2-4)
The short answer is "No." At Faith, we utilize a one fund model to accomplish our singular mission. Every dollar given to Faith goes toward accomplishing our mission.
All gifts are considered mission and ministry gifts which provide the opportunity for every church member to contribute to the whole mission of Faith. From church leadership to first-time guests, everyone is involved in the mission. This unified, cumulative effort around one mission and one overall number often results in growth of the giving base and can have a lasting effect on regular giving and generosity by focusing hearts on why to give instead of what projects to fund.
Faith Baptist Church is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. As such, your gifts are tax-deductible and you can access your giving statement online at any time by logging in to your profile.
Recurring gifts (payments) can be setup in online pay, give by text, auto-draft, and bill pay. Please see the methods above for tutorials/info on how to get started.
Log on to Faith Community through our website or app. Go to GIVE, click on the SCHEDULES/HISTORY tab and then click on the GIVING STATEMENT button.
We engage with a third-party assessor annually to validate that our systems are implemented securely and comply with the PCI Data Security Standard. Components of this program include third-party penetration tests, vulnerability scanning, patching, security incident management, daily log review, alerts for critical events, point-to-point encryption, tokenization, fraud filters, and much more.
This Week's Giving: $105,259.80
Year-to-Date: $2,496,963