Birth—5th Grade
We want every kid who attends our church to experience the love of God in a safe, fun, and caring environment. We desire to partner with families as they teach their kids who God is and how to live for Him. Through Faith Kids, kids are connected with believers and are growing in their relationship with Jesus.
6th—12th Grade
Faith Students exists to partner with parents by providing an environment that empowers students to own their faith. Our desire is to see students integrate into the life of the Church, for the sake of advancing the Gospel through the local church and within their community.
If you are a parent/guardian of a child who has suffered a recent injury, requires surgery, or is in need of some love and attention from the Faith Kids team click the button below to let us know.
We want every kid who attends our church to experience the love of God in a safe, fun, and caring environment. We partner with families as they teach and disciple their kids. At Faith Kids, every child is connected with background-checked volunteers who are passionate about Jesus and come ready to serve, teach, and love kids.
Childcare for babies to 4 year-olds is available during all Faith Group and worship gathering times on Sundays.
Faith Kids (K–5th grade) meets on Sundays at 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM. Every Next Gen volunteer has been background checked.
At 9:30 AM kids Faith Groups are assigned by age/grade and gender. At 11:00 all K-5th graders will meet together in the gym.
Truth Trackers is offered for children 4 years old (by September 1) through 5th grade. Truth Trackers follows a fall and spring schedule, generally starting in September and finishing in May.
We understand that it can be difficult to find a place where special needs families feel safe and welcomed. At Faith, we want to make sure that your special needs child feels loved and valued, and that we help them understand the message of God’s unconditional love. We provide an opportunity for families of those with special needs to worship, attend a Faith Group, and serve within the church.

Truth Trackers
Truth Trackers provides a Scripture memory program that contains the following well-designed qualities:
Truth Trackers teaches children a God-centered view of life as they learn doctrinal truth through Scripture memory, daily devotions, and weekly lessons.
Truth Trackers points children to the hope of Christ our Redeemer through the Forgiven Visitor Booklet, strategic nights of evangelism, and our gospel-saturated curriculum.
Truth Trackers enables children to memorize God’s Word and to know Bible answers to life’s questions. We do this with:
A Catechism Format - Our verses are organized in a catechistic-format whereby children are asked a life-question and respond with the corresponding verse-answer.
Meditation to Memorization - Truth Journals enable children to daily meditate on God’s Word through repetition, kinesthetic learning, and review, which aids in long-term retention.
Kinesthetic - Learning Truth Journals provide tools for children to memorize the Scripture with a multidisciplinary approach.
Truth Trackers aims to disciple children with a curriculum that incorporates the following components:
A Doctrinal Scope and Sequence - Truth Trackers’ verses and lessons are organized into 18 doctrinal themes. Those doctrines are further divided into 3 years represented by color years: Green Year, Red Year, and Blue Year.
An Integrated Curriculum - Different age levels learn the same doctrinal truths at the same time.
Church & Family Discipleship - Truth Trackers connects truth learned at church to discipleship at home.
Truth Journals - Truth Journals are designed to help a child LOCK-IN truth every day through Scripture meditation and LIVE-OUT faith through daily devotions.
Apologetics - Truth Trackers prepares children to give a reasoned defense of the hope found in Christ (1 Peter 3:15).
Truth Trackers makes memorizing the Bible and learning doctrine fun. We do that with:
Levels of Learning - We explain essential doctrinal concepts in a simple, age appropriate way.
Incentives - Children can earn awards throughout the year.
A Resource Center - We provide resources that equip church clubs to be intentional, engaging, and enjoyable.
Easy Transition – Truth Trackers is easy for a church to transition to from other kids programs that utilizes a 3 part division to the night (Scripture Memory, Lesson, and Games). Truth Trackers utilizes a similar structure with the addition of daily devotionals.
Mission: Inviting students to know God and make Him known!
Know God
We desire for our students to know God through a relationship with Jesus and grow in their walk with Him (KNOW and GROW)
Make Him Known
We desire for our students to live out their faith both in the local church and outside in the community (SERVE and GO)
Students have the opportunity to attend a student Faith Group at 9:30 or 11:00 AM. All student Faith Groups meet upstairs in rooms 231-239.
9:30 AM Faith Groups
6th/7th Grade Guys
6th/7th Grade Girls
8th Grade Girls
8th Grade Guys
9th/10th Grade Guys
9th/10th Grade Girls
11th/12th Grade Co-Ed
11:00 AM Faith Groups
Middle School Guys
Middle School Girls
High School Co-Ed
All 6th-12th grade students will gather for a time of worship starting at 6:30 in room 214. Then middle school and high school students will separate for Bible study. This semester Faith Students will study through the book of Philippians.
All Student Ministry volunteers have been equipped and empowered to lead students. Each volunteer has a thorough background check to help ensure the safety of our students. If you’re interested in volunteering fill out this form.

Upcoming Faith Student Events