Filtering by: Kids
Youngsville Community Easter Egg Hunt
11:00 AM11:00

Youngsville Community Easter Egg Hunt

Youngsville Community Egg Hunt at Luddy Park!

This year’s event includes an egg hunt by age on the fields. Special needs children and kids aged 1-4 years old will search for eggs 11-11:15 AM, kids K-3rd grade will search for eggs 11:45 AM-12 PM, and kids in grades 4th-5th will be free to hunt for eggs 12:30-12:45 PM.

There will be food, games, and bounce houses as well.

If you are interested in volunteering at the event, please contact Evan Schantz

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Parent Commissioning Class
6:30 PM18:30

Parent Commissioning Class

Parent Commissioning is Sunday, May 11. This event is for Faith Baptist Church members who want to publicly commit, before the congregation, to raising their children in a home that honors the Lord. Parents must attend our Parent Commissioning class hosted on Wednesday, April 16, at 6:30 PM or Wednesday, April 30, at 6:30 PM in Room 107.

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Parent Commissioning Class
6:30 PM18:30

Parent Commissioning Class

Parent Commissioning is Sunday, May 11. This event is for Faith Baptist Church members who want to publicly commit, before the congregation, to raising their children in a home that honors the Lord. Parents must attend our Parent Commissioning class hosted on Wednesday, April 16, at 6:30 PM or Wednesday, April 30, at 6:30 PM in Room 107.

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Camp Thrive 2025
to Jun 27

Camp Thrive 2025

  • Faith Baptist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Have fun. Make friends. Meet Jesus.

June 23-June 27

8:00 AM-3:00 PM

Completed Kindergarten—5th Graders

Every day will be filled with lots of fun activities determined by your activity track choices, and a Bible session with music and 280 new friends! The year’s camp theme is Secure, because the world around us is a confusing place, but we know that we are secure in God’s plan. No matter what comes our way, we can know that God is in control! Each day of camp will highlight something to focus on in order to grow in personal relationship with God.

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Mission Trip Interest Meeting
1:00 PM13:00

Mission Trip Interest Meeting

Come learn more about our upcoming mission trip opportunities:

  • The Netherlands High School Mission Trip June 2-9

  • Hungary Mission Trip June 27-July 7

  • New Bedford, MA Mission Trip July 5-12

  • Elkorn City, KY Family Mission Trip July 7-11

  • Utah College Mission Trip July 19-26

  • South Asia Mission Trip July 20-28

  • Moldova Mission Trip July 26-August 3

  • Southeast Europe SEBTS/Judson College Student Mission Trip Oct. 4-11

Location: Room 240

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Wednesday Nights Kick-Off Event
6:30 PM18:30

Wednesday Nights Kick-Off Event

Join us for a special event to kick-off the fall semester at Faith!

We’ll meet together in the worship center for a time of worship and an introduction to core classes for adults and Wednesday night discipleship for kids and students. Then we’ll spend the rest of evening enjoying ice cream and cobbler, inflatables, and games outside.

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Kids & Students Baptism Class
6:30 PM18:30

Kids & Students Baptism Class

Kids, students, and their parent(s) are invited to this meeting to learn more about baptism! If your child has made a recent profession of faith or is interested in knowing more about baptism, please join our Next Gen team for this class.

  • Students and their parents will meet in Room 214.

  • Elementary children and their parents will meet in Room 240.

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Camp Thrive 2024
to Jun 28

Camp Thrive 2024

  • Faith Baptist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Have fun. Make friends. Meet Jesus.

June 24-June 28

8:00 AM-3:00 PM (Half day on Friday)

Completed Kindergarten—7th Graders

Speaker: Kyle Scarlett


Registration Opens on February 18

Every day will be filled with lots of fun activities determined by your activity track choices, and a Bible session with music and 350 new friends! The year’s camp theme is Unshakable, because the world around us is constantly changing, but there is one thing we know will never change - the Lord. Knowing we are rock solid in Christ, we can move forward with confidence. Each day of camp will highlight something to focus on in order to grow in personal relationship with God.

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Parent Commissioning Class
6:30 PM18:30

Parent Commissioning Class

Parent Commissioning is Sunday, May 12. This event is for Faith Baptist Church members who want to publicly commit, before the congregation, to raising their children in a home that honors the Lord. Parents must attend our Parent Commissioning class hosted on Wednesday, April 10, at 6:30 PM in Room 107. A make up class will be offered on April 17 if needed.

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Kids Baptism Class
6:30 PM18:30

Kids Baptism Class

Has your child expressed an interest in baptism or do you want to know more about baptism for kids? Please join Jacob Reed, our Children’s Minister, as he discusses what baptism is, why Christians should be baptized, baptism at Faith, and other topics in this one night class.

This class is designed for children and their guardians to attend together.

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Gospel Grab Bags
6:30 PM18:30

Gospel Grab Bags

It's time for our next Gospel Grab Bag! This bag's theme will be a mixture of New Years and Valentines day. Activities range from a way for your child to learn how to love others well to many coloring sheets. Please register below if you would like a grab bag for your family. 

 Bags will be available for pick up in Faith Kids lobby on Sunday morning, January 29th, during our Worship Gatherings, as well as on Wednesday evening, February 1st, during our discipleship activities from 6:30-8:00pm.

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Gospel Grab Bags
8:00 AM08:00

Gospel Grab Bags

It's time for our next Gospel Grab Bag! This bag's theme will be a mixture of New Years and Valentines day. Activities range from a way for your child to learn how to love others well to many coloring sheets. Please register below if you would like a grab bag for your family. 

 Bags will be available for pick up in Faith Kids lobby on Sunday morning, January 29th, during our Worship Gatherings, as well as on Wednesday evening, February 1st, during our discipleship activities from 6:30-8:00pm.

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Gospel Grab Bag Pick Up
6:30 PM18:30

Gospel Grab Bag Pick Up

It's time for our Christmas themed Gospel Grab Bag! This bag includes an activity booklet for your kids, a family devotional, several family activities (like making ornaments and decorations), and a way to initiate gospel conversations with your neighbors! Please register below if you would like a grab bag for your family. 

Bags will be available for pick up in Room 125 on Wednesday evening, November 30, during our discipleship activities from 6:30-8:00 PM, as well as on Sunday morning, December 4, during our Worship Gatherings. 

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Gospel Grab Bag Pick Up
8:00 AM08:00

Gospel Grab Bag Pick Up

It's time for our Christmas themed Gospel Grab Bag! This bag includes an activity booklet for your kids, a family devotional, several family activities (like making ornaments and decorations), and a way to initiate gospel conversations with your neighbors! Please register below if you would like a grab bag for your family. 

Bags will be available for pick up in Room 125 on Wednesday evening, November 30, during our discipleship activities from 6:30-8:00 PM, as well as on Sunday morning, December 4, during our Worship Gatherings. 

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Kids Baptism Class
6:30 PM18:30

Kids Baptism Class

Has your child expressed an interest in baptism or do you want to know more about baptism for kids? Please join Jacob Reed, our Children’s Minister, as he discusses what baptism is, why Christians should be baptized, baptism at Faith, and other topics in this one night class.

This class is designed for children and their guardians to attend together.

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Truth Trackers Begins!
6:30 PM18:30

Truth Trackers Begins!


Truth Trackers uses Bible Memory, Bible Devotions, and Bible Lessons to help children LOCK-IN truth and LIVE-OUT faith.

Truth Trackers provides a Scripture memory program that contains the following well-designed qualities:


Truth Trackers teaches children a God-centered view of life as they learn doctrinal truth through Scripture memory, daily devotions, and weekly lessons.


Truth Trackers points children to the hope of Christ our Redeemer through the Forgiven Visitor Booklet, strategic nights of evangelism, and our gospel-saturated curriculum.


Truth Trackers enables children to memorize God’s Word and to know Bible answers to life’s questions. We do this with:

  • A Catechism Format - Our verses are organized in a catechistic-format whereby children are asked a life-question and respond with the corresponding verse-answer.

  • Meditation to Memorization - Truth Journals enable children to daily meditate on God’s Word through repetition, kinesthetic learning, and review, which aids in long-term retention.

  • Kinesthetic - Learning Truth Journals provide tools for children to memorize the Scripture with a multidisciplinary approach.


Truth Trackers aims to disciple children with a curriculum that incorporates the following components:

  • A Doctrinal Scope and Sequence - Truth Trackers’ verses and lessons are organized into 18 doctrinal themes. Those doctrines are further divided into 3 years represented by color years: Green Year, Red Year, and Blue Year.

  • An Integrated Curriculum - Different age levels learn the same doctrinal truths at the same time.

  • Church & Family Discipleship - Truth Trackers connects truth learned at church to discipleship at home.

  • Truth Journals - Truth Journals are designed to help a child LOCK-IN truth every day through Scripture meditation and LIVE-OUT faith through daily devotions.

  • Apologetics - Truth Trackers prepares children to give a reasoned defense of the hope found in Christ (1 Peter 3:15).


Truth Trackers makes memorizing the Bible and learning doctrine fun. We do that with:

  • Levels of Learning - We explain essential doctrinal concepts in a simple, age appropriate way.

  • Incentives - Children can earn awards throughout the year.

  • A Resource Center - We provide resources that equip church clubs to be intentional, engaging, and enjoyable.

  • Easy Transition – Truth Trackers is easy for a church to transition to from other kids programs that utilizes a 3 part division to the night (Scripture Memory, Lesson, and Games). Truth Trackers utilizes a similar structure with the addition of daily devotionals.

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Next Gen Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
6:00 PM18:00

Next Gen Volunteer Appreciation Dinner

Next Gen ministries is hosting a special volunteer appreciation dinner for current and new volunteers as well as those who are interested in serving in kids and/or student ministries. During this meal together, Next Gen ministry leaders will share what the Lord is doing in Faith’s next generation.

RSVP is required. Childcare is available for those who sign up.

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Wednesday Discipleship Classes
6:30 PM18:30

Wednesday Discipleship Classes

July 13-August 17

  • KIDS: Summer with the Kings - Wednesdays 6:30pm - Kids of all ages are invited to join Faith Kids for their summer discipleship series, “Summer with the Kings,” as they look at important lessons to learn from 1 & 2 Kings.

  • STUDENTS: What Does the Bible Say About That? - Wednesdays 6:30 PM - Faith Students will join together to hear how the Bible speaks to the questions they’ve been submitting this semester.

  • ADULTS: Christ in the Old Testament - Wednesdays 6:30 PM - This adult discipleship class will be led by Wes Garner, one of Faith’s elders. Each Wednesday night, Wes will lead the class through different passages of the Old Testament to see how it all points to Christ.  

  • WOMEN: None Like Him by Jen Wilkin - Wednesdays 9:30 AM & 6:30 PM - Faith Women will meet together to discuss the book None Like Him on the attributes of God. Register for the morning or evening session by signing up online.

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Wednesday Discipleship Classes
6:30 PM18:30

Wednesday Discipleship Classes

July 13-August 17

  • KIDS: Summer with the Kings - Wednesdays 6:30pm - Kids of all ages are invited to join Faith Kids for their summer discipleship series, “Summer with the Kings,” as they look at important lessons to learn from 1 & 2 Kings.

  • STUDENTS: What Does the Bible Say About That? - Wednesdays 6:30 PM - Faith Students will join together to hear how the Bible speaks to the questions they’ve been submitting this semester.

  • ADULTS: Christ in the Old Testament - Wednesdays 6:30 PM - This adult discipleship class will be led by Wes Garner, one of Faith’s elders. Each Wednesday night, Wes will lead the class through different passages of the Old Testament to see how it all points to Christ.  

  • WOMEN: None Like Him by Jen Wilkin - Wednesdays 9:30 AM & 6:30 PM - Faith Women will meet together to discuss the book None Like Him on the attributes of God. Register for the morning or evening session by signing up online.

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