Utah Mission Trip - Faith College
Leader: Gage Russell
Partners: Redemption North Davis
Ministry Focus: Evangelism and Service Projects
Location: Greater Salt Lake City Area
Cost: $1,000
Dates: July 19-26
Leader: Gage Russell
Partners: Redemption North Davis
Ministry Focus: Evangelism and Service Projects
Location: Greater Salt Lake City Area
Cost: $1,000
Dates: July 19-26
Leader: Steven Wade
Partners: Bryan & Shelly R.
Ministry Focus: Evangelism and Service Projects
Dates: Oct. 4-11
Cost: $2,400
Come learn more about our upcoming mission trip opportunities:
The Netherlands High School Mission Trip June 2-9
Hungary Mission Trip June 27-July 7
New Bedford, MA Mission Trip July 5-12
Elkorn City, KY Family Mission Trip July 7-11
Utah College Mission Trip July 19-26
South Asia Mission Trip July 20-28
Moldova Mission Trip July 26-August 3
Southeast Europe SEBTS/Judson College Student Mission Trip Oct. 4-11
Location: Room 240
Mastering Your Money will discuss finances, budgeting, ethical issues, investing, estate planning, and more from a biblical perspective to guide class participants to be faithful stewards of all God has given each person.
Taught by Harry Nelson
Location: Rm. 116
Intro to Missions will explore the theological foundations of missions, learn about the challenges and opportunities in cross-cultural ministry, and engage with the history of missionary movements.
Led by Dr. Keelan Cook
Location: Rm. 120
1 Corinthians: Victory in a Messy World will study Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, which addresses issues we still face today like judging others, handling conflict, navigating marriage, and discovering the true purpose of our spiritual gifts.
Taught by Jeff Brown
Location: Rm. 118
Theology 201 is a practical discipleship course for everyday believers that continues Theology 101 (however, it is not a prerequisite). This class builds on core theological concepts and how they apply to daily Christian living.
Taught by Dr. John Hammett
Location: Modular 1
Revelation: Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom by Jen Wilkin will help women know how the last book of the Bible speaks to the church in every age, both as a steadying word of assurance and a strong call to endure.
Cost: $10
Led by: Carolyn Rich & Emily Harrison
Women Only Core Class
Location: Modular 2
Caring for Traumatized Children will provide resources for understanding of the impact that trauma-produced losses have on the life of a child. This class will be recorded for Crisis Care Training International.
Led by: Amy Wilson
Location: Rm. 112
Faith's Deploy Leader Training is a one year ministry internship that prepares future ministry leaders through academic instruction, personal mentoring, and practical experiences. Deploy is open to men and women and participants can receive credit through the college at Southeastern and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
This is a unique opportunity for SEBTS students attending Faith Baptist Church to go on a mission trip with their church and receive seminary credit for MIS3991/6991 missions practicum. You will be helping church planters sent out by Faith with evangelism and community engagement.
It's not too late to join us for Wednesday night discipleship for kids, students and adults. There's something for everyone. See all the classes and registration details at FaithNC.org/Wednesdays
Join us for a special event to kick-off the fall semester at Faith!
We’ll meet together in the worship center for a time of worship and an introduction to core classes for adults and Wednesday night discipleship for kids and students. Then we’ll spend the rest of evening enjoying ice cream and cobbler, inflatables, and games outside.
Join us for worship (Sunday at 8, 9:30, and 11 AM) and then stay for a free lunch for you and your family! This casual lunch is an opportunity for you to hear about our mission and vision and specifically how we endeavor to train and deploy the next generation of leaders. Our pastors and some of the Southeastern professors who are members of Faith will join us for lunch too.
The college ministry meets monthly for a worship and prayer night. High school students are also invited to join. Room 214.
This conference is to help N.C. Baptist churches and college ministries build community among their students, give them an understanding of their role in the Kingdom of God, and challenge them to live on mission during their college and post-grad years.
When registering, please put “Faith Baptist Church of Youngsville” as your church on the registration form.
Early Bird Price (Until 2/15): $45
The college ministry will begin meeting monthly for a worship and prayer night. Join us as we have our first monthly meeting on 2/26 from 6-7 PM. High school students are also invited to join. Room 214.
Faith Young Adults & Students will be hosting a pickleball tournament in Southeastern's Ledford Gym. Sign-Up as a team or spectator!